By Noble (Name Goes Here, Chaplain,) (Sample Info Below)
Greetings and Salutations My Friends and Brothers.
It has been a couple of months since I have been with you last. Much has happened and much progress has been made with our new facilities and our new brothers. We have a new Oasis, new offices, new meeting rooms, a new hall, and new brothers. We have been truly blessed by our CREATOR for all of these things.
Granted there is still much to do and not everyone will be happy with all the changes we have made but progress marches on and we will adapt and we will survive. We have had several events that have been successful: Our new installation of officers; A speakeasy party; New brothers and their families; The Potentate’s Ball, and several other smaller but no less important events that show off our New facilities to our families, the larger community, and all of the International Shrine community.
Admittedly we have many more challenges ahead and we will meet them head on as we are all brothers and together we can do almost anything with our CREATOR’S guidance and divine will. Our families support us and so do the greater Tampa Bay communities. Some will say that we haven’t done enough:” and some will say that we have done “too much”. But I tell you that we have done much. Just look around and open your eyes and ears and you will know what I mean.
In this summer season let us all thank THE GRAND ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE for what we have received and what we will receive in the future. In our prayers and thanksgivings let us remember our Divan, our Emergency Service workers, our doctors, our nurses, the people that keep us in food, fuel and other essential services that help us live good and prosperous lives. And last but not least let us remember our tireless and selfless Brother workers and the support of our families that have helped bring us to this point in history.
So I ask you my Brothers, remember to pray without ceasing, hug your friends, children, wives, and even that neighbor or brother that you don’t agree with because we are all human and we are all in this world together.
Until next time Brothers I bid you all Blessings and Peace